Church archives are preserving / preserve records and documents, unique monuments of local religious communities, school and families. Professional researchers of the past have been using them for a long time, but digitization and the internet have given us new tools in our hands. Digitization of registry books and sources of local history began in Hungary in 2009 at the Kalocsa Archdiocesan Archives. They became available for the researchers as an online service from 2010. The good example was followed by other church archives. They cooperated by the Association of Church Archivists in Hungary to create this site in 2015, which presented all the e-research services of Hungarian church archives (and made available the funeral registry books of the years 1944–1945).

Following the users’ needs has become a research site, which provides the best available technical environment for the cooperating church archives, standardised registration, simple payment methods and a searchable database for the researchers. Some of the digital images available here are free to access after registration, another part of them are subject to fees (mostly the ones containing parish registry books).

God bless your work! We wish perseverance and success.

Association of Church Archivists in Hungary

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